
Academic Year Abroad Madrid at the Universidad Carlos III, the Universidad Complutense, & the Universidad Autónoma

Academic Year Abroad offers students direct-enrollment at three universities in Madrid: at the Universidad Carlos III in the Curso de Estudios Hispánicos, courses in Humanidades, and advanced courses in asignaturas ordinarias; and at the Universidad Complutense and Autónoma, advanced courses as alumnos visitantes. Classes are offered at all levels of study, and all courses are taught in Spanish by regular university professors. Grades are accurately reported, and transcripts are documented. The highest academic standards are maintained.

The Universidad Carlos III campus

Madrid is the ideal city in which to learn and perfect classic Castilian Spanish. Students have the options of home-stays with families and an excellent program of cultural activities, including overnight excursions.

AYA basic and housing fees are moderate. AYA also offers a number of scholarships. For application forms, visit our download page here.

While AYA Madrid students enjoy a high degree of freedom, they can rely on the AYA Directors for advising and tutoring. The Directors organize excellent orientation sessions and language-reinforcement and specialized courses, act on each student’s behalf at the university, see to the transmission of grades to the home institution, and maintain close contacts with the families involved in AYA home stays. They are directors with years of experience.

Since its inception in 1964, the AYA Madrid program has welcomed students from virtually every American college and university. In recent years the most prominent groups among AYA students have been those from Harvard, and from Bard and Ripon, with which AYA maintains consortial agreements.

To put it simply, Academic Year Abroad stands for excellence. Why settle for less than the genuine university experience?